Starting the Game
Before the game begins, players should predetermine a sequence of three numbers that if rolled by a player, the large fuzzy die is given to that person. These numbers can be any three numbers between one and six.
Large Fuzzy Die
During the game, if any person rolls the three predetermined numbers together, they are passed the large fuzzy die. At the end of the six rounds, the person holding the large fuzzy die will receive bonus points.
Game Play
Players will roll three dice trying to land on the number that corresponds with the round they are on. A player's turn ends when none of the correct numbers is rolled. The player then passes the dice to the left and game play resumes.
A Bunco can be rolled when the person rolling the dice gets all three dice matching the number round they are on. Rolling a Bunco will automatically end that round.
Determining the Winner
The person with the most "wins" at the end of six rounds is the winner of the game. If there is a tie, the tie is broken by looking at the amount of Buncos rolled; the player who rolled the most Buncos wins.