Nominate a person to think of a word. It can be a person, place, or thing. In some variations, it can be an object in the car. The player who comes up with the word should write it down on a piece of paper and must not disclose it to anyone.
Start the game. The other players must ask yes or no questions to try and determine what the mystery word is. Example questions could be "Is the person a member of our family?" or "Is the object inside the car?" Players may guess in random order.
Make a guess. When a player thinks he or she knows the answer to the mystery word, they must guess. If the guess is incorrect, play continues on. When a player guesses the mystery word correctly, the person with the correct guess must come up with a new mystery word.
Continue play in this manner as long as desired. There is no definite end point to the game, so it can go on until the group decides to stop.