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Times Table Games for Kids

Times tables are a form of repeated addition such as 3 x 4. Using times tables allows for problems to be solved quickly. Whether the child learns best using the computer or through board games, there are a variety of games that help reinforce previously learned times tables.
  1. Computer Games

    • For kids who prefer to play games on the computer, the games 'Timez Attack' and 'Timemator' will help them practice their times tables. Players learn that they have been kidnapped in the 'Timez Attack' game. In order to escape, they have to find keys and then unlock doors by solving times tables two through 12. This is a one player game and can be downloaded for free at Bigbrainz.com.

      The game 'Timernator' gives players 60 seconds to correctly answer as many times table problems as they can. If the player answers incorrectly, a correct answer is given. There is a visible timer to keep track of how many seconds are remaining, as well as a scoreboard that tells how many correct and incorrect answers the player has gotten. Players can pick the highest number of times tables they know up to the number 12. This is a single player game. 'Timernator' is located at Coolmath-games.com.

    Board Games

    • Board games such as 'Times Table Race' and 'Times Tables' teach kids their times tables. 'Times Table Race' allows two to four players to compete in this game. Players roll the dice and have to solve the times table problem they land on. If they answer it correctly, they will place a counter on that space. If it is answered incorrectly, they do not get a counter. This game is won by the player that fills their sections completely with counters.

      Parents are encouraged to play the board game 'Times Tables' with their kids. Players roll one die and move their playing piece the number that is on the die. They proceed based on what square they land on such as missing a turn, rolling again or solving a times table. If they land on a times table and solve it correctly, they get to roll the die again. If they answer incorrectly, they have to miss a turn. This game is won by reaching the finish line first. As many as four players can play 'Times Tables.'

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