Guess the Food/Drink
Get a variety of foods or drinks and set them up for tasting. One person should be in charge of setting up the food and drinks, and the other players shouldn't know any of the foods being set up. One person at a time is blindfolded and given the foods one at a time. The blindfolded person has to guess what they are eating. The person who guesses the most correct foods wins the game.
Catch the Lie
Each person in the group says three different things about themselves. Two of the things have to be true and one of them has to be false. The goal is to trick the others into thinking one of the true statements is a false statement. If you guess the wrong statement, you lose a point. If you guess the correct statement, the liar loses a point. When you lose five points, you're out of the game. The last person in the game wins.
Land a Kiss on the Model
This is a spinoff of the popular game "Pin the Tail on the Donkey" and is made for the teenage crowd. Hang two posters on a wall. One poster should be of a guy and the other should be of a girl. You can choose whoever you want to be on the poster. One person gets blindfolded, spun around in circles and then sent to kiss one of the posters. The goal is for guys to kiss the girl poster and for girls to kiss the guy poster. You can keep score by giving two points for kissing the opposite sex and minus-two points for kissing the same sex. The closer the kiss lands to the lips on the poster, the more points can be given or taken away. The contestants can even wear lipstick to keep better track of the kisses.
I Went to Camp
Sit in a circle and designate a leader. The leader will start off by saying, "I went to camp and took a/an [object]." The next player in the circle has to repeat the phrase with a different object. After they repeat the phrase, the leader will tell them whether they can take the object or not. The secret is that the object you choose to take must start with the first letter of your name. Keep going around in the circle until everybody figures it out. The leader can then add variations to the rules so that the object has to follow other guidelines. See how tricky you can get.
Egg Toss
Pair people up and give each twosome an uncooked egg. Each team should start with the same distance between their two players. Players in each team then toss the egg back and forth. Once you toss the egg to your partner and your partner tosses it back to you, you both take one step away from each other. The goal is to get as far away from each other as possible without breaking the egg. The team that creates the longest successful egg toss wins the game.