Start Your Career or Go to College
The first turn for each player involves making a choice to go to college or to immediately start her career. The advantage of starting your career is that you immediately begin on the Path of Life, whereas if you go to college you are diverted slightly. The advantages of going to college are a bigger salary and more career options. Players who start their careers may draw a career card and a salary card. Players who go to college can't draw cards until they finish the college section of the board. Whichever you choose, after you have made your choice, spin the wheel and move your car the number of spaces shown on the wheel. If you reach a space with a stop sign, you must stop your movement even if you spinned a higher number.
Color Tiles
Life's board comprises several different-colored tiles. Depending on the color, you must perform certain actions when you land on it. Orange spaces have directions printed on them that you must follow. Blue spaces contain an option that you may or may not perform. Green spaces are pay days; whenever you land on these spaces or pass them, pay yourself the amount shown on your salary card. Red spaces are stop signs; stop at the space and follow the directions. Players who land on a space containing the Life logo draw one Life Tile from the Life Tile Deck.
Career Spaces and Career-Specific Rules
In addition to the above tiles, some tiles have career-specific directions. These spaces offer a player the chance to make money off the other players in the game. For instance, if a player is the Police Officer, any player that spins a 10 on the wheel is caught speeding and must pay the Police Officer $5,000.
Players that land on the career spaces must pay the amount of money specified to the player who holds the career applicable to the space. If no player has that career, the player must pay the bank.
Buying a House and Bank Loans
All players must buy a house (it is a red tile; every player must stop at the tile eventually). To buy a house, draw a house deed from the House Deed Deck and pay the bank the amount of money specified on the deed. Players short on cash may take a loan out from the bank. Bank loans must be repaid before the end of the game. Players may pay the loan back in one lump sum or by making periodic payments throughout the game.
Players may buy stock cards at any time. Stocks are numbered one through 10. A player enjoys a return on the investment whenever the number written on the player's stock is spun during the game. For example, if a player has the One Stock, any time a one is spun on the wheel, that player is paid $10,000. Each stock costs $50,000. The price must be paid to the bank.
Play continues until one player reaches the end of the board, Millionaire Estates. Once a player reaches this space, she must pay back all existing loans and sell back her house. Once all players reach the end of the board, they count their money (including the amounts listed on the Life Tiles). The player with the most money and the most Life Tiles wins.