Find the piece that shows two green tails on opposite sides, a red-headed bird and a brown-headed bird. Put this piece in the bottom right corner, with the brown-headed bird along the top edge.
Put any piece in the center of the puzzle. The particular piece you place there is not extremely important at this point, as it is part of the trial-and-error process.
Find a matching piece for the center right location. The piece must match up with the right edge of the piece in the center, and the top edge of the bottom right piece. Rotate the center piece 90 degrees and repeat the process if no pieces match. Test each side until you find a successful match. Switch out the center piece with a new one if you cannot find a match.
Find a matching piece for the bottom center location. This piece must match up with the bottom edge of the piece in the center, and the left edge of the bottom right piece. Replace the center piece to get all of these squares to match up if necessary. Once a match is found for all four of these locations, it is likely the rest of the puzzle will come together with minimal changes.
Move up to the top right corner of the puzzle and find a piece that matches. Work your way around the rest of the puzzle in a counter-clockwise direction until the puzzle is complete.