Things You'll Need
Mix up the cube until the colors on each side are scrambled. Look at the color of the center square on each of the six sides. The color of the center square, no matter how much you twist and turn, will never change. Therefore, the color of the center square always is the color that the entire side must match. If the center square is red, the entire side must eventually be red. Knowing this gives you a reference point.
Pick a side to start the journey. Twist and turn the cube until you create a center cross of a single color on that side. In other words, all the squares on the side will be the same color except for the corners. Work each side of the cross one at a time until your have accomplished the full cross. Be sure the side colors match the center square color for that side. Stick with this side until you have matched all nine squares with identical colors.
Work the discolored squares on top until all four corners match. Remember, the top and side colors must all correspond to each respective side before moving on. Accomplishing this means you are 1/3 of the way through the puzzle.
Flip the cube upside down. Twist and turn until you get the remaining four middle-row corners to match as well. Work one middle corner at a time. Keep in mind, once you finally determine the pattern that will move that first middle-row corner into place, you will repeat the same pattern to work all the remaining middle-row corners into place. Write down your movements so you do not forget the pattern the next time you work the cube. The cube is now 2/3 of the way complete.
Twist and turn to make a cross on the underside, now the top side, identical to step two. Be sure all cross colors correspond to each other and their respective sides before moving on. Once again, write down any patterns you find that works so you can repeat it at a later time.
Work each remaining corner now, one at a time, until the cube is complete. Be prepared to suffer minor frustrations on your journey to the end. Nevertheless, remembering the order in which to work the cube, writing down the patterns and practicing everyday will have you performing the feat for friends and family in no time.