Things You'll Need
Look around your living room for a large piece of furniture that can be used to anchor down your sheet. Since you don̵7;t have tent poles or other structural items, you̵7;ll need to get inventive. Your couch, entertainment unit, or piano all make sturdy blanket anchors.
Secure the main blanket to the solid object. For example, if you̵7;re using your couch, tuck the blanket along the top edge and let the blanket drop down over the backside of the couch to create the tent.
Enlist the help of chairs or other items to prop up the other side of the blanket to create the tent. Once you̵7;ve secured the object, look for other tall objects you can tie the other side of the blanket to in order to create a raised roof for the tent.
Add extra blankets and sheets to the tent to make it larger. You can often secure two or more blankets beside each other to create a larger tent. If you want to create a dark, cave-like tent use a dark colored sheet or blanket so the light doesn̵7;t shine through.
Finish the tent by draping blankets over the back and front entrance of the tent. Throw some pillows inside the tent for comfort and your tent is ready for playtime.