Memory Games
Shape blocks are available online and at some retail stores. Place the blocks on a table, two of each shape, and place a small cup over each block. Have one preschooler remove two cups from the blocks. If the block shapes match, he can keep the blocks and go again. If not, he places the cups back on the blocks and the next player goes. The player who finds the most matches wins the game. Another idea is to place four or five shapes on a table and have the preschoolers look at the blocks. Tell them to close their eyes while you remove one shape. The first child to tell you what shape is missing wins the game.
Hunt Games
Cut shapes out of construction paper and hide them all over the classroom. Select two or three players to compete at once. Call out a shape, such as ̶0;circle;̶1; the first player to find a circle and bring it to you wins a small prize. Alternatively, have the children find as many circles as they can and the child who finds the most wins a prize. Another idea is to incorporate colors into the game by calling out a color and a shape like ̶0;a blue square.̶1; The children must find a blue square in order to win a prize.
Sorting Games
Place shape blocks on a table in a large pile. Cut shapes out of construction paper and tape to the table in front of the blocks. Have your preschoolers sort the blocks onto the corresponding shapes. For a race, make two piles of blocks and shapes. The child who sorts the block first wins the game. Another idea is to draw shapes on beach pails. Have children sort the shapes into the beach pails. You can also have the children toss the shape blocks into the corresponding pails to try to earn a prize.
Online Games
Preschoolers can enjoy a few shapes games online. The Kaboose website has a game called ̶0;Shape Racer̶1; for preschoolers (See Resources). Children must drag shapes into their corresponding places. The game tests accuracy and speed. Another website called Storyplace offers a variety of shape-themed games for preschoolers, such as ̶0;I Spy Shapes̶1; (See Resources). In this game, preschoolers must find a certain number of shapes within a picture.