Purchase booster packs or decks from local stores or hobby shops to begin your card collection. Most places that sell baseball cards and other collectibles sell Pokemon cards. A booster pack contains 10 cards, while a deck contains a full set of 60 cards. You need a deck of exactly 60 cards to play a regulation game. Keep your cards organized by element type. Purchase several booster packs to obtain rare and powerful playing cards that you can use strategically in your game.
Study available strategy guides and practice playing with a friend. Many guides are available that discuss topics ranging from basic rules to tournament strategy and etiquette. Learn the strengths and weaknesses of each element type, and for individual playing cards. Develop different decks to take advantage of the strengths and weaknesses of your opponent's deck. Try experimenting with different card combinations, and challenge your friends to defeat you.
Understand the value of rare cards before playing in an actual tournament. Many tournaments will allow you, if you're the winner, to choose several cards to take from your opponent. You may run the chance of losing a card of high personal or monetary value if your strategy doesn't play out right. Also be aware that extremely rare cards can quickly depreciate if used on a frequent basis. Basic wear and tear can cut a rare card's value in half.
Trade cards with friends and win rare cards in tournaments to create a diversified collection. Your goal should be to not only build the strongest deck possible to defeat others, but to also collect as many cards as possible in the process. Some people collect cards without playing the game, and keep their collection in pristine condition. Others prefer to have a collection that has been broken in and that has brought hours of entertainment.