Tossing Games
Create an educational beanbag-toss game by taping a piece of poster board to the bottom of a cardboard box. Cut holes large enough for the beanbags and write letters of the alphabet above each hole. Lean the box against the wall and mark a line five feet from the box. Call out a letter and have the preschoolers try to toss the beanbag in the corresponding hole in the box. Alternatively, do the same thing with numbers instead of letters.
Memory Games
Have the preschoolers stand in a circle and ask one preschooler to stand outside the classroom. Ask another preschooler to hide somewhere in the classroom and ask the preschooler standing outside the classroom to come back in. The preschooler must use a process of elimination and his memory to guess which person is missing from the circle. Another idea is to print pictures of random items and tape them to the wall. Have the preschoolers look at the pictures. Ask them to place their heads on their desks and close their eyes while you remove a picture. When they open their eyes, the first player to guess the missing item wins the game.
Guessing Games
Place a random item, such as an apple, key or hairbrush, inside a paper sack. Have each preschooler stick her hand inside the paper bag and guess what the item is. The preschooler who guesses the most items correctly wins the game. Play a game of animal charades by whispering a type of animal into a preschooler's ear. She must act out the animal to the class, and the preschooler who guesses the type of animal gets to act out the next animal.
Indoor Hunts
Prepare an indoor scavenger hunt using magnetic letters or numbers. Hide the letters around the classroom and have the preschoolers find as many as they can. The player who finds the most wins the game. Alternatively, hide numbers instead of letters or both. For a quick game, call out a certain letter, like "S," and have the preschoolers hunt for that letter. The player who finds the letter "S" and brings it to you first wins the game. Tell the preschoolers to search for letters in their first or last name.