Things You'll Need
Creating a Generic Felt Game
Obtain a piece of cardboard (at least 12 inches by 12 inches) or purchase a used game board from a thrift store.
Cover the cardboard (or old game board) with the large sheet of felt. Attach the felt to the board by using spray adhesive. Smooth the surface to avoid ripples. Fold the edges of the felt around the edges of the board and attach with hot glue or regular glue.
Create game pieces by drawing or tracing shapes on small pieces of felt. Try tracing cookie cutters or other small objects. Cut out the objects. Felt cutouts can also be purchased in your local craft department or school supply store.
Set up your game board however you desire. Felt sticks to felt, so you will not need to glue or tape your pieces to your game board. Create a maze, a race or whatever else you can think of. You can change it later if you choose.
Creating a Felt Fishing Game
Cut numerous fish shapes out of small pieces of felt.
Attach a small washer to the fish's mouth by putting a couple of stitches through and around it.
Create a "fishing rod" by tying or taping a long piece of yarn to a ruler.
Attach a small magnet to the end of the yarn. If you're using a flat magnet, you can use hot glue to adhere the magnet to the yarn.
Set the fish out on the floor and attempt to "catch" them with the rod. This can be a game your child plays alone or one he plays with you as a contest to see who can catch the most.
Creating a Felt Race Game
Create your game board by attaching your felt to a piece of cardboard or an old game board.
Create your game pieces. You will need at least one piece for each player. Your pieces can be random shapes or can carry a theme such as different colored cars, balloons or spaceships.
Set up the track on your game board. You can use smaller felt pieces for this (such as setting up a path of square cutouts) or you can cut out longer strips of felt to create your path.
Acquire any additional supplies you may need (cards or dice) to play your game of choice.
Write out the rules of the game or explain them in detail to all the players.
Creating a Felt Memory Game
Cut out or purchase at least 20 felt squares (approximately 4 inches by 4 inches) and 10 sets of matching item cutouts such as hearts, triangles, fish and so on.
Attach one item cutout to each square by stitching around the edge of the item. While felt will stick to felt, sewing the items on will ensure a more secure attachment for this game.
Place the squares upside down on the floor in a random order. Alternatively, if your felt game board is large enough, your game can be played on there.
Store your memory squares in a Ziploc bag. You can add more "cards" to your collection whenever you have the time.