Things You'll Need
Clothespin Toss
Cut the tops off six empty milk jugs. Play this indoors or outside. Space the jugs far enough apart to have some running distance between them. Place two jugs side-by-side with a 2-foot space separating them.
Lay a strip of masking tape on the ground/floor about 6 feet from the jugs for a starting line. Place two more strips of masking tape down on each side of both jugs. Go another 6 feet behind the first set of milk jugs. Repeat steps by placing two more jugs side-by-side, 2 feet apart. Lay masking tape strips down beside each jug.
The milk jug placement should almost look like a long ladder stretched out across the ground/floor. Divide boys and girls into teams or do "every man for himself." Teams will play it like a relay race. Give each person 50 clothespins. One person from each team steps up to the starting line. Once the signal is given, both children will try to toss their clothespins into their respective jug while standing on the tape.
Have them run to the next masking tape line beside their jug. On signal, they will continue throwing their clothespins into the next set of jugs until the signal for them to move on to the following set. Continue this at each set of jugs.
Have the two players race back to the starting line once they have thrown their clothespins into the last set of jugs. They tag the next team member in line, passing off any leftover clothespins to add to theirs, and the race continues. Count each team's clothespins that made it into the jugs after everyone has raced. The team with the most clothespins in wins.