Hidden Pictures
Throughout the magazine there are several different "hidden pictures" pages. In this activity, children look at a photo or drawing to try to locate objects that are strategically hidden. Most of the hidden picture pages have nine different items to find within two pages. Children view the hidden items at the bottom of the page and use their eyes to find the same items in the picture.
Children and adults, of all ages enjoy mazes. The different twists, turns and dead ends leave little and big brains running on full throttle to figure out the correct path. There are always several mazes in the "Highlights" magazine. Some mazes aim to confuse older children so they must think their way through the twists and turns; other mazes are easier to accomplish for the smaller child just learning the rules of staying in the lines.
There are always stories within a "Highlights" magazine. Simple stories like "The Timbertoes" and "Goofus and Gallant" teach children about problem-solving and manners. Older children might enjoy the "Highlights" book club which offers different book recommendations for different ages of children.
That's Silly
Never a dull magazine, "Highlights" features a section called "That's Silly" which offers funny kid jokes sent in by children around the United States. Kids will enjoy reading funny jokes sent in by children their own age.