Peer Pressure
Although teenagers are often the envy of most adults, they too experience pressure and changes that can be stressful. Peer pressure can also be very difficult for girls to deal with. You use educational role playing games with teenage girls to help them fight the peer pressure they often face. They can learn dialogue to help them when they are confronted with peer pressure to engage in destructive behavior such as underage drinking, smoking and bullying.
Math and Science Games
Studies show fewer girls than boys pick career fields such as math and science. As a teacher, you can engage and spark their interest in math and science by inviting a woman airline pilot or chemist to be a guest speaker at your school. The girls can ask questions and learn more about careers in fields in which women are generally not represented in large numbers.
Fashion Show and Tell
Another great way to engage girls in learning is through fashion. You can turn the classroom into a runway and have the girls model their favorite clothing and talk about them. The girls can then learn the ropes of how to dress tastefully without breaking the bank. Teaching girls how to properly care for garments and choose clothes that are the most suitable for their body type is a skill they can use for a lifetime.
Career Skills
Most teenagers think they are going to be teenagers forever and the real world is simply for everyone else. However, adulthood comes quickly and it is imperative to teach teenage girls the skills they need to survive and achieve success. Have the girls dress up in professional attire of their prospective careers and tell the class why they want to pursue a career in that field. This is a great opportunity for girls to feel confident and hopeful about their future.
Online Games
Technology is a great way to teach girls learning games. Sites such as Fun Brain offer math, reading, and arcades. Books and movies for girls are also available on this site. Sites such as Girl Tech, sponsored by the Girl Scouts of America, teach science, cryptology, and music. At Girl Games, girls can learn grammar and sentence structure through games such as "The Plural Girls."