Things You'll Need
Cut eight 12-inch strips of duct tape with the scissors. Lay four strips sticky side up vertically, on a flat surface, overlapping the edge of each strip to the next strip. Stick the other four strips to the vertically placed strips, sticky side down, in the same manner. This creates the flag. Make one flag per team in different colors. Hide the duct tape flags on your team's side.
Use the duct tape to divide the two teams' areas if you are playing this game in a field. When playing the game at someone's house, use the front yard for one team and the back yard for the other team. Place a line of duct tape at the midpoint of each side of the house, horizontal to the property line. The property line between the houses represents the full side boundaries for the game.
Choose a spot on each side and duct tape a small square on the ground to create the "prison" section. When you capture a person from the other team, they wait to be saved by their teammates in the prison.