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Free Games for Girls at the Age of 10

Keep a group of 10-year-old girls entertained and active throughout the year with games. Whether you are hosting a birthday party or social gathering, you can create a few cheap games with supplies you probably already have right at home. With careful planning, some ideas and inexpensive supplies, you have all you need to create the games.
  1. Memory Games

    • Have the 10-year-olds sit in a circle and select one player to be "it." She will say "My mom went shopping and she bought a _____." She must say a random item, such as a shirt. The second player must say "My mom went shopping and she bought a shirt and a _____." Each girl must say the items of all the players in front of her and add her own. If anyone messes up the order or cannot remember an item, she is out of the game. The last player left who can remember the most items wins the game. For a variation, the player can say "My sister went to Hawaii and brought me back (a seashell).

    Partner Games

    • Tell the girls to select a partner. Have the pairs sit on the ground with their legs bent in front of them and interlock elbows. When you yell "Go," the girls have to try to stand up. The first pair to make it to their feet is the winner. For another partner game, place an inflated balloon between the backs of each pair. When you say "Pop," the first team to pop their balloon wins the game.

    Relay Races

    • Create relay races by dividing the girls into two teams. Mark a starting line and a run-to line 30 feet apart. The first player in each team line must bear crawl (on all fours with bottom in the air) to the run-to line. She must run back to her team to tag the next player in line who must do the same thing. The first team to finish the relay race wins the game. To make the game harder, have the girls crab walk (on all fours with bottom towards the ground) back to the starting line instead of running. Other ideas include hopping, skipping and running backwards.

    Nature Hunt

    • Plan an outdoor scavenger hunt for the girls to get them outside. Make a list of 25 nature items for each team. Use items like a black rock, a brown leaf, a twig, a piece of trash and a blade of grass. Divide the girls into teams and give each team a scavenger list. The first team to find and collect 20 of the 25 items on the scavenger list wins the game. For another hunt, spray paint rocks with pink and purple paint. Hide the rocks outside. See who can find the most rocks in five minutes.

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