Search the house and find materials that might work for a game. Things like paper, kitchen utensils, blocks, or even blankets and chairs. Determine the age and ability of the children that will be playing the games. Think of games you played as a kid and how you could adapt them to the supplies you have on hand and being indoors.
Talk to the kids and see what ideas they may have and you might be surprised at the imaginations they have. Kitchen utensils and pots and pans can be used to create a band. Blocks can be used to have a building competition. Blankets and chairs can be used to create tents or forts for make-believe games. Paper can be used for games such as charades.
If children are older, consider creating educational games. Create math problems on paper geared toward their grade levels and have a competition to see who can finish first with the most correct answers. Create a scavenger hunt within the house where they must answer a math question in order to receive their next clue.