Things You'll Need
Hot Potato
Sit students in a circle, and choose one child to be leader. The leader will stand outside the circle, facing the opposite direction so he cannot see the potato being tossed.
Turn on the music, and instruct the students to toss the potato carefully as fast as they can to the next person in the circle. Continue passing the potato until the leader stops the music.
Remove the student who is left holding the potato when the music stops. Start the music again, and toss the potato around the circle again.
Stop the music each time the game is played, removing the student who is left holding the potato. The last student left is the winner.
Obstacle Race
Hold a potato between 2 people, using their backs, foreheads or chests.
Have the pair walk through an obstacle course without letting the potato fall to the ground.
Pass the potato off to the next pair of students at checkpoints throughout the obstacle course.
Repeat the obstacle course for each team. The team that can get the farthest without dropping the potato wins. If the potato is dropped early on, determine the winner by keeping track of how many times the potato is dropped, and the team with the lowest number of drops wins.