Fashion Shoot
Search closets and dress-up boxes for interesting clothing items and accessories. Have everyone bring a selection of items to add to the selection. Let the girls take turns dressing up as a fashion model and posing while the others take photos of her. Select a location for the photo shoot either indoors or outdoors. Use the best photos to make a calendar or photo montage as a keepsake for everyone involved.
Bad Makeover
This game is sure to get girls giggling and is perfect for a sleepover. Gather together items of makeup in bright colors. Blindfold one girl and get her to apply makeup to another. The girl being made up is not allowed to look in the mirror. Take photos of the completed 'look,' then have that girl take a turn to be blindfolded and make up someone else.
Prepare this game in advance by taking about 20 extreme close-up photos of familiar items likely to interest girls, such as a mascara wand, a hair clip, a comb or a nail file. Print them out and number them. Give the girls pieces of paper and have them try to guess what each photo is and write it down. Have a prize for the girl who guesses most items correctly.
Scavenger Hunt
This game works well for teen girls who are allowed out by themselves. Divide the girls into teams of two to four players. Give each team a list of 20 things to find around town that will appeal to them, such as the pricelist at a certain hair salon or the price tag of the most expensive pair of jeans at a certain store. Make sure each team has a digital camera with them. Have them go on a scavenger hunt around town to find the items on the list and take photos of them. The first team back with a completed list wins.