Unfold the game board and place it on a flat surface. Place one of each plastic coin on the "Money Bags" pot at the top of the board. Each player must choose a game marker and place it at "Start."
Place all like money together in separate piles to create a bank. Have each player roll the die. The player with the highest number goes first.
Roll the die on your turn and move the indicated number of spaces. Land on a space showing a money value and you earn that amount for the move.
Spin the arrow at the bottom of the board to see what type of coins you are allowed to use to collect your earnings.
Collect the coins from the bank to equal the amount you have earned and place it in front of you.
For example, the arrow could land on a space that says "no quarters." This means you can use any coins except for quarters to collect your earnings.
Spin "Money Bags" on your turn and collect the amount you earned from the bank using any coins. Place the money into the "Money Bags" pot at the top of the board.
Land on the "$" space and take all the money from the "Money Bags" pot. Add 41 cents from the bank to replenish the pot.
Land on the blue "Bank Exchange" space and exchange your coins of lesser value for coins of greater value from the bank. Collect 10 cents interest from the bank if you are able to make the exchange. If you cannot make an exchange, the play passes to the next player.
Stop the game when one player reaches the end. That player adds all of the money in the pot to his earnings. The player with the most money wins.