Online Games
Type "kids' learning games" into any search engine, and you'll find hundreds of sites devoted to kids' education. Many of these games are free, and you can choose from a variety of categories, including reading, math, science and art. Look for reputable organizations such as National Geographic, universities, or the government's Department of Education. Kids' television channels usually have online content that includes learning games and educational tools. This is also an opportunity to teach your child about the Internet and for him to have supervised time online.
Video Games
Every video game system on the market has a selection of educational games. This is particularly useful if you have older kids who like to play video games in their spare time. The older kids can play whatever games they're interested in, but you can also make use of the game console to educate younger children. Many of the games available are interactive and motion-controlled, so your child will be active while learning reading comprehension and math skills.
Interactive Books
Interactive books are books that come with an electronic component that encourages reading and language skills. Some of these books come with "pens" that allow children to underline words. When they do so, an electronic voice tells them how to pronounce the word or what the definition is. There are also books with buttons that incorporate noises into the story so that, for example, the word "dog" is associated with a barking noise. Some books also have online components with additional learning games.
Card Games
Card games using flash cards are a great way to learn vocabulary words or multiplication tables. You can make flash cards yourself with card stock and a marker, or buy sets of pre-made flash cards. Quizzing your children with flash cards is a way for you to be active in your child's learning process and spend time with him. You can also purchase card sets like "Old Maid" or "Go Fish" that encourage reading comprehension or math skills with picture cards instead of traditional numbered cards.