The Eon storyline revolves around a futuristic saga of a young boy named Marty who stumbles upon the fist of Eon -- a weapon that gives him a range of powers and places him in the position to fight evil. Marty becomes a courageous warrior whose powers allow him to fight battles that help him reach his destiny and uncover important secrets.
Strategy Games
Gamers can choose from many Eon strategy games. In "Kid Launcher," the player launches himself using a bucket machine to escape a bear. In "Mr. Bean Dress Up," the player must help the character pick out the right clothes for his daily events.
Fighting Games
Eon's "Armor Games Defense" involves building a turreted castle and defending it. This game requires a lot of multitasking. In another popular Eon fighting game, "Ryo the Ninja Kid," a mad scientist takes a sample of Ryo's blood to create a new ninja who becomes his mortal enemy.
Army Games
Eon produces a wide range of army games. "Warfare 1944" involves rising from the trenches and battling the German Wehrmacht. Another entertaining army game by Eon is "Tactics 100," in which the player builds his own army using a range of fighting units.
Game Warning
No official ratings have been set on Eon games. Many Eon games for children are somewhat violent and should be reviewed by parents before they're played. Some games include weapons, blood and gore. However, some strategy games are free of violence.