Ancient Egypt
According to the Egyptian Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage, board and dice games were popular among ancient Egyptian children. "Senet," a well-liked board game in ancient times, is very similar to today's backgammon game. Racing games and piggy back rides were common among ancient Egyptian kids. Games that children played with balls and discs were also very popular, and not unlike many of today's school sports.
Ancient Rome
Games that could be played on the floor were popular among children in ancient Rome. They played marbles, and a game similar to jacks that used knucklebones or stones. Checkers were also a big favorite among ancient Roman kids, who liked to play games with pebbles on grids drawn on tile floors. Children living in ancient Rome also played physical games that were played with a ball.
Ancient Greece
According to a research from Dartmouth University, children's games in ancient Greece were very competitive. Children in ancient Greece played games with balls, and also played a game similar to jacks with the ankle bones of sheep and goats. Ancient Greek children also played games with shells and with ancient hula hoops. The hoops were made of wood and boys rolled them in a game called "hoop bowling."
Ancient China
According to History for Kids, the Chinese were among the first people to build kites. Chinese children commonly flew them as a game. Children in ancient China also enjoyed puzzle games. Many children still play seven-piece Tangram puzzles, which come from ancient China. Chinese children also liked to play "Blind Man" or "Chicken." This game is very similar to tag and Marco Polo. In a game of Blind Man, one child would be blindfolded and would have to reach out and try to tag another child to be "it."