Drop It or Catch It
Have all the camp children stand in a circle about an arm's length apart. Tell an adult or volunteer to stand in the middle of the circle holding a ball. The adult or volunteer must look at a player, while tossing the ball to him and say, "Drop it" or "Catch it." If he says, "Drop it," the player must swat the ball to the ground without catching it. If he says, "Catch it," the player must catch the ball. If the player does the wrong command, he is out of the game. The last player standing wins the game.
Blindfold Tag
Divide the players into pairs and have one person on each team put on a blindfold. Give each blindfolded player a soft foam ball to start the game. The object of the game is for the blindfolded player to toss the ball at another blindfolded player to tag her out of the game. The blindfolded player's partner can hold on to her and give her verbal directions to any balls. She must help guide her partner to the foam balls and tell her when to throw them at an opponent. If a ball hits a blindfolded player, the team is out. The last team standing wins the game.
Outdoor Nature Scavenger Hunt
Split the players into teams of three or four, and give each team a scavenger list. Include 25 outdoor nature items, such as a leaf, something with a scent, a stick, a rock or something that makes noise. When you say, "Go," the first team to find 20 of the 25 nature items wins the game.
Silly Goose
All the children must sit in a circle and select one player to be "it." The "it" player has to sit or stand in the middle of the circle and look at one player and say, "Will you be my silly goose?" The player has to say, "No I will not be your silly goose," back to the "it" player. If the player can say it with a straight face, "it" must move on to another player. If the player cannot say it without smiling or laughing, he is the new "it" player.