Bible Verse Tail Tag
Write several Bible verses on long strips of paper and give each child one strip. The children have to stick the strips of paper into the back of their pants so that they hang down like a tail. Have the children scatter around the room. When you say, "Go," the children have to walk around the room trying to take each person's tail. Tell the players that if they run, they are automatically out of the game. When no one has a tail left, the game is over. Have each child who collected a tail stand up and read the Bible verses aloud. The player who has the most "tails" wins the game.
Musical Fruits
Teach your fourth-graders about the Bible verse (Galatians 5:22-23): "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." Scatter several pictures of fruit on the ground, one less picture than you have players. Play music and tell the children to walk around the fruits. When the music stops, each player has to find a fruit and stand on it. Each child standing on a fruit has to name one of the nine fruits of the Spirit. If everyone answers correctly, they advance and the player not standing on a fruit is out of the game. If a player cannot answer correctly, the player not standing on a fruit has a chance to answer. If he answers correctly, he can take the incorrect player's spot. Remove one piece of fruit and keep playing. The last player standing on a piece of fruit wins the game. Musical fruits teaches children about the nine fruits of the Spirit.
Four Corners
Write four different Bible character's names, such as Adam, Noah, Esther and Samuel, down on four different sheets of paper. Tape the sheets of paper to four different corners of the room. Write the same names down and place them in a bowl. Have the children walk around the room. When you say, "Pick a corner," the players have to go stand in one of the four corners. Draw a name out of the bowl and any children in that corner are out of the game. Keep playing until only one child remains in the game, who is the winner. This game teaches the children the names in the Bible. Have the children select the four names to use each time you play to help them learn Bible names.
Bible Verse Spin the Bottle
Tape a large arrow to an empty soda bottle. Have all of the players sit in a circle and give each player a Bible to hold in their lap. Select one child to go first and have her spin the Bible. The player at whom the arrow is pointing when the Bible stops spinning has to go to the middle of the circle. She must then open her Bible to any page and select a Bible verse from that page to read aloud. After she reads the verse, ask her to explain what that verse means to her. Keep playing until everyone has a chance to go at least once. If the arrow points to a player who has already had a turn, she can select another person in the circle who has not had a chance to read a verse.