Dress Up Race
You can play Dress Up Race with several children or just one. Mark out points in the house or garden that your child needs to run to. At each of these points position a number of clothes, for example a sweater, large pair of pants, hat and scarf. At each point the child or children need to put on all of these clothes over their other clothes and then race to the next point. At that point they then need to take off the clothes from the last point and dress up in the clothes at that point. They can either play this as a relay or on their own while you time them.
Hide The Object
Hide The Object can involve one or more children. It is a game best suited for young children between the ages of 2 and 4. Show them an object such as a stuffed animal or vitamin bottle. Then hide it somewhere in the house and send your child or children to look for it. If you are playing with multiple children you can award points for finding it and play it several times.
Playing Predictions tests your child's knowledge of you and it will test your knowledge of your child. You can play with one or multiple children. Simply choose a category such as "food" and then pose a number of questions relating to the category such as what your favorite vegetable, fruit and candy is. Then ask your child to write down what he predicts your answer will be. Count the number of predictions he got right. You can play this with multiple children playing against each other.
Beanbag Race
A beanbag race can involve one or more children. Mark out two lines in the house -- one being the finish line and one the starting line. The children race against each other from one line to the other while balancing a bean bag between their knees. You can also have them balance it on their heads or backs and see who wins. If only one child is playing you can time him to see if he beats his last score.