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Entertaining Games for Kids

Kids have lots of energy, and playing games will keep them active and prevent boredom. Games help children build their fine motor skills, social skills and work on their hand-to-eye coordination. Encourage your children to play games and learn by awarding the winners with small prizes, such as candy, toys or plush animals.
  1. Cat's Tail Game

    • Play a game of cat's tail using several strips of cloth. Cut the strips of cloth about three feet long. Hang a piece of cloth from the back of each player's pants. Make sure the cloth just touches the ground, where other players can step on it. The children must try to step on other player's tails. When a "cat" loses her tail, she is out of the game. The last "cat" left with a tail wins the game.

    Watch the Ball

    • Take three plastic cups of the same color and place them face down on a table. Have the children stand in front of the table and place a ping-pong ball underneath one of the cups. Move the cups around and tell the kids to watch closely. After you stop moving the cups, see if the children can guess the cup that has the ping-pong ball under it. The first child to answer correctly earns a small prize. You can also have the children go one-at-a-time for this game.

    Animal Partners

    • Give each child an animal name by whispering it in his ear. Make sure there are two children per animal. Some examples include two cats, two cows, two dogs and two pigs. After each kid knows what animal he is, you tell him to start acting out his animal. The children must find their partner by finding the other child doing the same animal noises. The first two children to find their matching animal wins the game.

    Candy Ring Toss

    • Spread out a sheet or blanket and scatter wrapped candy all over the sheet. Purchase embroidery hoops at your local craft store or make your own by forming a ring out of rope and attaching the ends with duct tape. Mark a line about five feet from the sheet and have the children stand behind it. The children try to toss the rings on candy being sure not to step over the line. Give each child at least five tries to ring some candy. If the ring lands around candy, they get to keep it. Adjust the standing line depending on the age of the children.

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