Saturn's Rings Toss
Hang hula hoops at different levels from a tree or clothesline. Tell the children these are Saturn's rings and they have to toss beanbags through the rings. Mark a starting line about 10 feet from the rings (further or closer depending on ages of children) and give each child five beanbags. For each beanbag the child gets through a ring, she earns a small prize. Spray paint the hula hoops black with silver glitter for added decoration.
Musical Stars
Purchase several glow-in-the-dark stars for a game of musical stars. These stars are available in large bags at many retail stores and online. Scatter the stars all over the floor and place one less star than you have players. Play music and tell the children to dance around the stars. When the music stops, the children must grab a star off the ground. The player without a star is out of the game. Remove one star and keep playing. The last player with a star in her hands wins the game and a prize.
Pass the Planet
Divide the players into two teams and have them stand in a single file line facing forward. Give the first person in each line a large rubber ball and tell them it is a planet. When you say, "Go," he has to pass the planet over his head to the next player in line. The next player must pass the planet through his legs to the next player in line. The planet should go over and under each player. The first team to get their planet all the way down the line wins the game. For added decoration, spray paint the rubber ball to resemble a planet.
Stars and Moon Rock Hunt
Find several rocks and spray paint them black, silver and white. Use the glow-in-the-dark stars from the game of musical stars in this scavenger hunt. Hide the moon rocks and stars around the party area. Give each child a space-themed party favor bag. When you say, "Find the rocks and stars," the children must find as many stars and rocks as they can. The player who finds the most stars and moon rocks wins the game.