Bubble Pop
Create an exciting bubble pop game where all the toddlers are sure to win a prize. Blow bubbles outside and have the toddlers see how many bubbles he can pop. The children can use their hands, feet and heads to pop the bubbles. Tell him to count each time he pops a balloon. Automatic bubble machines are available online and at many retail stores. Award a small prize to each child who pops bubbles.
Cat and Mouse Freeze
Play some music and tell the toddlers to scurry around and squeak like mice. When the music stops, they must freeze and not move. Any player caught moving is out of the game. Award a small prize to each child for participation. The last player standing wins the game.
Guess the Animal
Have all the children sit on the floor in front of you. Start acting out an animal, such as a snake. Tell the children to try to guess what animal you are acting out. If they do not recognize the animal you are acting out, add the noises the animal makes. The first child to guess the correct animal wins a small prize. Other animals you can act out include a pig, cow, horse, duck, chicken, cat and dog.
Seashell Treasure Hunt
Fill a sandbox with play sand and seashells, which are available at many crafts stores. Be sure to mix the shells into the sands so the children cannot see them by simply looking at the sand. Give each toddler a small beach pail with her name on it and yell, "Go." The children must go to the sandbox and start digging for seashells. Tell the toddlers to place any seashells they find in the pails. The toddler who finds the most seashells wins the game.
Plush Toy Pass
Tell the toddlers to sit in the floor in a circle formation and hand one child a plush toy animal. Play music and have them pass the animal around the circle. When the music stops, the player holding the plush toy is out of the game. Keep playing, eliminating a player each round. Give each toddler who exits the game a small prize for participation. The last child standing wins the plush toy.