Park Ranger
For this game you need a large open space with boundary lines that everyone is aware of. A lawn or large room is ideal. A park ranger is chosen to be "it" and stands in the center of the space. The remaining players choose an animal they want to be and stand in a single line side by side facing the park ranger. Although you can, it's not necessary to let others know the animal you have chosen. The park ranger begins to call out animal characteristics such as "Your animal has a beak." If a player's animal has the animal characteristic that was called out, he must try to run across the space to the finish line without being tagged by the park ranger. Anyone the park ranger tags becomes a tree and must stand in the spot they are tagged in. As other characteristics are called, others run for the finish line. The "trees" can move their arms and tag people along with the park ranger. The last person who does not become a tree wins and becomes the new park ranger.
1-2-3 Look
Players form a circle for this quick and easy game. Everyone puts their head down and closes their eyes and then the leader yells "One, two, three, look!" As the leader is saying "look," players open their eyes and look up at a person. If the person is looking back at them, they are both out. If the person a player looks at is looking at someone else, he puts his head down and waits for "one, two, three, look" to be called again. Keep playing the game at a fast pace until there are only two people left.
Auto Trip
To start the auto trip game, players are given the names of car parts such as a hood, door, etc., and sit in a circle. The leader tells a story of an auto trip while walking around the outside of the circle, and players get up and follow him when their auto part is mentioned in the story. When the storyteller is ready, he/she yells "Blowout" and everyone races to sit back down in an empty spot. The person who doesn't get a spot is the new storyteller.
Beach Towel Volleyball
Make two teams and place them on opposite sides of a volleyball net. Have team members partner into couples and give each couple a beach towel. Each person in the couple holds two corners of the towel, spreading it out. Place a water balloon in the center of one towel for one couple to work together to get the balloon over the net. A couple from the other team has to try and catch the balloon in their towel and return it to the other side. Teams score a point when the water balloon is dropped.