Feed the Tiger
Prepare for this circus-themed game by cutting the shape of a tiger's head out of a large piece of cardboard. Cut out a hole where the tiger's mouth should be, big enough to fit a bean bag or small ball inside. Paint the figure and stand it up. Create a starting line 8 feet or so from the tiger and have the players form a single-file line behind it. They each get to take turns throwing their bean bags through the tiger's mouth to "feed" it. The person to throw the most bags into the tiger's mouth gets a prize.
Bucket Toss
In the play area line up six buckets single file. Grab six different-size balls, each larger than the next. Create a starting point about a foot away from the nearest bucket. The players line up behind the starting line and first throw the largest ball into the nearest bucket, then the second-largest ball into the second bucket in the line. If a person throws the smallest ball into the farthest bucket, he wins a prize.
Clown Race
Gather up two piles of clown clothes, complete with clown shoes, wigs and red noses. Divide the players into two teams, and position each team near a pile on one side of the party space. Also place a small tricycle next to the pile. When you say "Go," the first players put on the clown clothes, race to the other side with the tricycle and head back to their teams to hand off the clothes to the next player in line. The subsequent teammates take turns donning the clown clothes and racing to the finish line and back. The first team to have all its teammates complete the race wins.
Create a Tic-Tac-Toe grid out of a large piece of cardboard, decorating it accordingly. Prop the board up at your carnival booth so it stands up vertically. Have two players stand about 6 feet (depending on the size of the cardboard) from the board and give each player a set of different-colored darts. Each player gets a turn to hit a square on the grid in an attempt to create a line of three before the other player does. The player to get a Tic-Tac-Toe wins and gets a prize.