Things You'll Need
Remove any label from the bottle. Ensure that the bottle is clean and dry.
Decide on the type of objects to place in your bottle. Use a set of themed items or any random object that fits through the opening of your bottle. Choose only one of each object, no duplicates.
Use theme objects for an educational scavenger hunt activity. Find objects that begin with each letter of the alphabet or fit different categories of animals, for example. Make a list of the objects for later use in creating a label for the bottle.
Color the rice or pasta using food coloring and rubbing alcohol. Place rice or pasta in a sealable plastic bowl or bag with a teaspoon of rubbing alcohol and several drops of food coloring. Shake well to coat all rice or pasta then spread on a flat surface to dry.
Choose 10 to 20 small objects that fit through the bottle opening of your plastic bottle and meet the requirements of any theme you choose. Place the objects in the bottle.
Fill the remainder of the bottle with the dry, colored rice or pasta, using a funnel if necessary. Leave approximately a half-inch of space at the top of the bottle to allow the objects in the bottle to move as the bottle is turned around.
Place hot glue around the threads at the top of the bottle to secure the lid. Screw the lid on the bottle.
Create a scavenger hunt label displaying words or pictures of the objects placed in the bottle for the child to use when playing with the bottle. Use pictures for younger children and words for older children. Place the label on the flattest portion of the bottle.
For a more advanced version, create object clues rather than simply writing the word. For example, use a clue such as "This bird is a protected national symbol" rather than the word "Eagle" on a label for a themed scavenger hunt bottle about creatures or the United States for older kids.