Things You'll Need
Visit the website MyPokeCard to design and print your own Pokemon ID cards. The website has templates where you can input information and print out a card that looks like a real Pokemon ID card.
Choose the creature type and series from a drop-down menu on the main page. Creature types include fire, grass, water, lightning, psychic, fighting, colorless, darkness and metal.
Enter your invented name for the Pokemon ID card along with the number of hit points the creature has.
Upload a picture of your Pokemon character. You can either use a photograph or draw a picture with a computer illustration program.
Choose the evolution stage from the drop-down menu. You can choose basic, stage 1 or stage 2.
Name attack number 1 and number 2 and type out the attack description. You can invent one for both of these. Enter this information into the template.
Add any extras, including the weakness, resistance and retreat costs, at the bottom of the template.
Right-click and hit save on your complete Pokemon ID card, which appears on the left of the screen.
Open the saved card in a word processing program and click "Print."
Cut out the printed image and glue it onto a real Pokemon card.