Things You'll Need
Clear an area in the room in which you are building the fort so that there is nothing cluttering it and you have an open area in which to work. Make sure that the area in which you are building the fort contains two large pieces of furniture, such as a couch and a table or a bed and a chest of drawers.
Drape the light blanket or sheet over the two pieces of furniture. There should be space under the sheet for you to sit. Tape the edges of the sheet to the furniture over which it is draped (in a way that will not damage the furniture).
Place a small chair under the sheet in the center in order to support it so that it does not sag.
Stuff any open areas in the front and back of the fort with pillows and blankets. This is a fort; access should not be easy to any outsiders. Leave space open to breathe and to exit.
Open the top and bottom flaps of the cardboard box. Place it on its side at the front of the fort so that it serves as a tunnel into the fort.