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Cool Youth Activities

Slime competitions, game shows, paint projects--there are several cool youth activities to use on hot or rainy days. Kids will have fun getting messy, being creative or saving the environment when you introduce these activities in a new and interesting way.
  1. Slimefest

    • Make gallons of slime and invite the kids to slimefest where they can throw and make slime to use while playing games and competing against one another. Create slimy slip-and-slides by pouring slime on plastic tablecloths or tarps that have been anchored to the ground and see who can slide the farthest. Or have kids transfer slime into a bucket using only their feet. Be sure to send everyone home with slime recipes so they can recreate the fun.

    Let's Make a Deal

    • The game show Let's Make a Deal recently began airing on television again; it showcases crazily dressed adults bargaining for money and goods. Show kids an episode, then direct them to make costumes out of items they've brought from home. As seen on TV, begin making deals with them, only using quarters, dimes or fake paper money; contestants decide if they will keep an item or trade for a possibly better item. For example, give a child a quarter and offer them a chance to keep the money or trade it for an unknown tasty treat under the box. The tasty treat may be a dog treat or a rice crispy treat, but the contestant won't know until they bargain with you.

    Blindfold Crawling

    • Kids will think it is cool to find their way out of a maze blindfolded. What makes it even cooler is the fact that you can play blindfold crawling indoors on a rainy day. Simply create a maze by taping plastic tablecloths or wrap to the floor; you might want to base your maze design on a printout. Create several entrances so more than one child can crawl at a time.The blindfolded children must follow the plastic wrap to the exit.

    Make an Instrument

    • Tell kids they can reuse coffee cans, shoe boxes and cardboard tubes to cut down on the average amount of trash they produce every year: according to the Clean Air Council, the average person disposes of 56 tons of trash annually. Using rubber bands and cereal boxes, kids can make simple instruments like guitars or complex ones like trombones by pairing cardboard tubes, plastic wrap and construction paper. When they are done making their instruments, they can form a band and put on a show.

    Design an Easel

    • Kids will enjoy using oil paints, watercolors, markers and fingernail polish to paint pictures on easels. Give them time to brainstorm and remind them an easel is not like paper; they can't throw it away if they change their mind about what they want to make. Encourage them to use their imaginations as they paint a picture they can hang on their wall.

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