Counting Cows
Counting cows is a game for children ages four to eight that requires only the ability to count to 10. Tell the children to watch for a cow out the window, although any other object can be substituted if you happen to be traveling through an area with a bovine shortage. Children call out whenever they see a cow, answering with the number of cows they've seen. The game ends when one child reaches 10, at which point it starts over.
Rock, Paper, Scissors
In rock, paper, scissors children make a fist with one hand and hold the other hand palm up. Each child pounds her fist into her palm to the chant of "Rock, paper, scissors." Each child then shows her hands as either the rock, the paper or the scissors.
Making a rock fist crushes the scissors. Making scissors with the index and third finger beats paper. Paper, a flat hand, covers and beats rock, but will lose to scissors.
Speed, Distance, Time
Begin speed, distance, time--a counting game--by telling the children to close their eyes for 30 seconds. When you tell them to open their eyes, each child must guess how fast the bus is going and how far it has traveled. This game is best suited for children 10 and above, as it requires some math estimation skills.
License Plate Game
The license plate game revolves around children watching for license plates from as many different states as possible. You might want to provide children with a pencil and a pre-printed sheet listing all the states. Children can yell out each state they see and check it off their list. You can set a time period to determine the duration of the game. For example, you might wish to divide the game into rounds, with a new round beginning at each bus stop.