Strategic games
Play such strategic games as chess, backgammon and checkers with older children. These games help the brain with comprehension, planning, memory and focus. According to, "A survey conducted in 2006 revealed that Backgammon players attain a sense of improvement in their cognitive and mental skills. Playing the game regularly has been proven to achieve substantial development in human cognitive and psychological skills. The game can be considered as an exercise tool for a sharper brain."
Tic Tac Toe games
Have your children visualize and draw the tic tac toe grid in the air and pick each box to put each of your X and O marks. Older kids visualize the grid in their mind and assign each box a number. When each person takes a turn, choose the box number and call out where you would like to put your mark. This game works on memory, visualization, problem solving, planning and focus. The board game, Connect Four is another version of tic tac toe with a twist.
Memory and Auditory Processing Games
Play electronic sequencing games such as Simon and Bop-it to help the brain with memory, auditory processing and processing speed. The object of the games is to remember the sequencing of the sounds and lights. A free version of this is the game, "I am going on a picnic" where you sit down together and the first person starts by saying, "I am going on a picnic and I am going to bring an _____," anything that begins with an A, like apple or ant. The next person takes a turn by repeating what you said and then adding a second object beginning with a B and so on. The object of the game is for each person is to remember the sequence of things to be brought on a picnic.
Online Brain Games
Try brain games at the site, which are said to improve memory and attention. Simple for children to do with a computer keyboard. According to Lumosity, these games are "designed by some of the leading experts in neuroscience and cognitive psychology from Stanford and UCSF." There are specific courses for ADD. The brain games are for almost any age, but not young children. Try the site for free for two weeks to see how it works.