Mouse, Mouse, Mickey!
This game is a spin on "Duck, Duck, Goose" and doesn't require any materials. A group of children sit in a circle, except for one child who is the "tapper." The tapper goes around the circle, tapping each shoulder in turn and calling out "mouse" until he finally calls "Mickey." The tapper then runs around the circle while the dubbed "Mickey" chases him in attempt to tag him before the tapper gets to the open spot in the circle. If the tapper succeeds, "Mickey" becomes the new tapper and the game start over again. If the tapper doesn't succeed, he resumes that position and the game starts over again.
Find Pluto's Bones
You will need some representations of bones, either cut-out cardboard bones or candy bones. First hide the bones throughout a room. Then have the children crawl around on all fours while looking for the bones. When a child finds a bone, they must bark like Pluto before collecting it. Whoever collects the most bones is the winner.
Pin the Bow on Daisy
This game mimics Pin the Tail on the Donkey. You will need a picture of Daisy (free printout available on Disney's website), tape, ribbon strips, and a blindfold. Tape the picture to the wall and put a piece of tape on the end of each ribbon strip. Each child will take a turn. Blindfold a child and face him in the direction of the picture. The child's goal is to tape the ribbon strip onto Daisy's head, and the child who tapes it closest is winner.