Train Ride
Preschool-age children can pretend for hours on end. One train-themed game for young children is to pretend to be riding a train. Set chairs up in rows where little passengers can sit. Let the children take turns being the conductor and taking tickets from the other children. Encourage the children to act out activities that might happen on a train such as getting a snack or visiting a new place.
Conductor Says
This train game is a variation of the popular children's game "Simon Says." Children take turns playing the train conductor and leading the other children in actions. The train conductor can wear a conductor's hat. Encourage the conductor to instruct the players to do train-like motions such as chugging their arms or pulling an imaginary whistle. The players do the motions suggested only when the conductor says "conductor says." Alternatively, an adult can be the conductor.
Runaway Train
Players form a train by grasping hands. The player in the front is the conductor, and the player in the back is the caboose. The conductor runs in a random pattern, pulling the other players along. The conductor's goal is to cause the caboose to loose hold. If this happens, the next child becomes the caboose.