The Cat and Her Kittens
The cat is chosen from the group and leaves the room. The rest of the players sit around a table and put their heads down. The adult leading the game taps a third of the players on their shoulders, designating them as the cat's kittens. The cat is blindfolded and brought back in. The kittens begin to meow until the mother locates them. The first kitten to be found is the cat for the next round.
Black Cat Treasure Hunt
Come up with clues to lead the players from one spot to the next. Cut black cats out of construction paper. Write down the clues on each cat using a correction fluid pen. Hide the clues and give the first clue to the players. Have the last clue lead to the treasure: a stash of kitten stuffed animals, one for each player to take home with her.
Kitten Costume Contest
Have the kids dress up as kittens. Judge the costume contest. Have them give their best meow in order to make the final decision.
Pin the Tail on the Kitten
Draw a kitten missing its tail on a piece of butcher paper and hang it on the wall. Stick some tape on the back of a piece of thin cardboard, cut out and painted to look like the tail of a kitten. Blindfold the girls one at a time and spin them around. Have them try to stick the tail on the kitten.
Catch the Cat by the Tail
This game is a twist on duck, duck, goose. Have the girls sit in a circle on the floor. Get the "Cat" to tuck a tail (a black piece of fabric with a knot on one end) into her waistband. The cat circles the group, touching each of the other girls on the head and saying "cat," before shouting "kitten!" as she touches one of them on the head. The cat then runs around the circle and takes the kitten's spot before the kitten can grab the cat's tail. If her tail is taken, she's still the cat, but if she gets to the spot where the kitten was sitting without losing her tail, the kitten becomes the new cat.