Beat Bop
Beat Bop game mode can involve multiple players or a single player. This game mode uses sound prompts such as "crank," "twist," "pull" and other audio cues to lead players through a series of interactions during a turn. During group play, players pass the game to one another after completing a series. If the player does not react fast enough to the cue, the game ends. Beat Bop is playable on any of the Bop It units.
Vox Bop
Vox Bop provides a verbal cue to instruct players through the game. After hearing a verbal command, players must perform the function within a certain time frame to complete the task. The game continues until a player misses a cue. Vox Bop is playable in solo or group play mode.
One on One
Added to the list of games in 2002, One on One is playable on Bop It Extreme 2 and subsequent Bop It units. One on One mode splits the objectives between two players. Each player holds one side of the unit and completes tasks only on one side of the apparatus. When one player misses a prompt, the game ends.
Bop It Bounce
This game adds a new twist to Bop It where players bounce a ball on a hand-held trampoline. There are six game variations of Bop It Bounce. In Max Bounce, players must bounce the ball as many times as possible in 30 seconds. Hang Time challenges players to bounce the ball as high as possible. Infinite bounce tests how long players can bounce the ball. Right Height requires players to bounce the ball in specific ways to complete challenges. Little-Middle-Big mode prompts players to bounce the ball at specific heights. Free For All allows players to bounce the ball without any objectives or rules. All game modes are playable in a group or with one player.