Bubble Gum Pie
This game is a bit messy but is, indeed, fun. First, prepare an aluminum pie pan for each little girl by filling it with whipped cream. Place an unwrapped piece of bubble gum somewhere in the whipped cream, out of sight. It's a good idea to put towels or some kind of bib around the girls' necks to keep clothing clean. Set a timer for 2 minutes. Have each little girl put her face in the pie--with hands behind her back--to search for the bubble gum. The first girl to find the gum and blow a bubble wins.
Nail Polish Spin
Have the girls sit in a circle on the floor or around a kitchen table. Place 10 bottles of nail polish in the middle of the girls. Each girl takes a turn by spinning a color of her choice. Whomever the bottle is pointing at when it stops gets to paint one fingernail that color. The game continues like this until all the little girls have every fingernail painted. If there are a small number of girls playing, the game can be extended by painting toe nails as well. The winner is the girl with the most number of colors on her fingers and toes.
Toilet Paper Gossip
Begin the game by passing around a roll of toilet paper and having the girls take as many squares of paper as they want. Provide no further instructions. When the girls have finished passing around the toilet paper, have each girl count the number of squares she has. The girls then have to tell one thing about themselves for every square of toilet paper. The winner of the game is the girl with the least squares, as she has to reveal fewer secrets!