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Gym Scooter Activities

Kids love playing on scooters, and gym teachers should make sure to take advantage of their interest. You can play most gym games on scooters if you change the rules a bit. You can also introduce interesting physics concepts by using scooters to demonstrate them.
  1. Newton's Laws

    • Teach Newton's laws by using a scooter. His first law is that an object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an object in motion tends to stay in motion, unless acted on by an outside force. Demonstrate this by showing various forces that can move a scooter or stop it once it has started to move. Newton's second law is that force is equal to mass times acceleration. Demonstrate that putting a heavier object--more mass--on the scooter requires more force to move it. To show Newton's third law of motion, which is that every action has an equal and opposite reaction, encourage a student to throw a ball while seated on a scooter. Discuss the reason why the scooter moved backward when the student threw the ball.

    Scooter Basketball

    • To play this version of basketball, divide players into two teams, and divide each team into two roles: shooters and scooters. The shooters must stand behind the boundaries of the court at all times, and the scooters must stay inside the boundaries on their scooters. Place a large box in each of the free throw areas, one for each team. Then let a large number of Wiffle balls free on the court. Scooters need to gather the Wiffle balls and hand them to their shooters, who try to throw the balls into the box. The team whose box has the most balls in it at the end of the game wins.

    Crab Racing

    • This version of a scooter relay race can leave two teams of kids laughing and enjoying themselves. Rather than letting players simply propel themselves across the floor on their own, have pairs of players sit back to back on their scooters and link their elbows together to form a crab shape. Player can then propel themselves together across the floor, either by scooting to the side like a crab, or by one player scooting forward with the other one trailing behind. When they reach the other side, the next pair on their team gets a turn. The first team to get all of its players to the finish line wins.

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