Pin the Wings on the Fairy
Draw a fairy, facing the wall, on a large piece of butcher paper. Blindfold each child one at a time, turn her in a circle three times and let her take a turn trying to stick a pair of fairy wings on the drawing of the fairy. Use double-faced masking or painter's tape on the fairy wings.
Fairy Treasure Hunt
Write clues on pieces of paper and hide them around the house. Give the first clue to the children. Each clue will point to the next clue. The last clue should lead to a fairy treasure chest full of flowers, fairy wings, magic wands and glitter.
Pass the Fairy Plum
Have the girls stand in a line or a circle. Put a plum under the first girl's chin and have her pass the fruit to the next girl without using her hands. If someone drops the plum, she is out of the game.
Fairy Relay
Have the girls run a relay race wearing fairy wings and using a fairy wand as the baton they pass between them.