Online Games
Several online educational games are challenging and appropriate for teens, testing their current knowledge while teaching new information. These games encourage teens to compete against both themselves and the program using important critical thinking skills. Subjects covered can include math, science, history and foreign languages. Visit sites like and to get started.
Board Games
Board games such as, "Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader?" can challenge teens to remember skills they learned many years ago. Other examples of educational board games include strategy games like, "Civil Lore," and "Axis and Allies," which mix history facts into the game play. The website offers the option of purchasing specialty games for teens online.
Portable Games
On-the-go games such as number-placement puzzles and word games like, "Suduko" and "Bananagrams" provide an educational experience that can be easily incorporated into travel or as an alternative to TV-watching. Other portable games include "Quiddler," "Big Bad Suduko," "Five Crowns" and "Set," which also has an iPhone application that can be purchased at the iTunes store.