Makeover Madness
Makeover Madness is a funny game for young boys and girls that is sure to keep the kids laughing. Divide a group of children in two, separating the boys from the girls. Using mom&'s discarded makeup and clothing, have each girl choose a boy to receive a makeover. Girls can apply makeup and dress the boys in women&'s clothing to have a make-believe beauty pageant. And to be fair to the boys, the girls must allow the boys to apply shaving cream to their faces and shave them using a plastic spoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Chin
Most little kids enjoy puppet shows, and a funny variation of this activity is playing Mr. and Mrs. Chin. Draw a small set of eyes and a nose on the chins of the children--or adults--who will be performing in the puppet show. Be sure to draw the nose just below the participant&'s mouth and eyes just below the nose. For added fun, apply fake hair or beards at the very tip of the chin or red circles beside the eyes for rouge. Use a handkerchief to cover the top, uncolored part of the face and lay upside down to display your goofy characters that speak using a real mouth.
Blindfold Banana Split
A tasty game that makes for lots of laughs is Blindfold Banana Split. Divide children into pairs and have each pair build a banana split using ice cream, bananas, chocolate syrup, whip cream and any other desired toppings. Have one child from each pair sit down and the other remain standing wearing a blindfold. Have the blindfolded children try to feed the banana splits to the seated children to create a funny game. Create categories such as "messiest eater," "neatest eater" or "most ice cream on shirt" to establish winners.