Begin the game by selecting one of the players to stand in the middle of the play area. The rest of the players all stand on one side of the field. When you shout "Octopus," the campers all run to the other side of the area, avoiding the Octopus in the middle. The Octopus, meanwhile, tries to tag as many players as he can. Whoever gets tagged by the Octopus has to join her in the middle and become "seaweed." The seaweed sit cross-legged and try to tag players without standing up. Continue the game by calling out "Octopus" once the campers reach the other side of the area. The last person remaining, having avoided becoming a seaweed, wins the game.
Gather the players into an open area and divide the group in half. Place one half of the players a few feet from each other with their legs spread hip-width apart. Put a rock between each player's feet, making sure the stones do not touch the campers. Blindfold these players. Situate the other half of the group (the stalkers) around the blindfolded people. The stalkers all try to collect as many rocks as possible by stealing them from between the blindfolded players' feet. If a blindfolded player senses a stalker nearby, he can try and get a stalker out by pointing directly at him. If he succeeds, the stalker takes his place. Every time a stalker steals a rock, that blindfolded person is eliminated from the game. The person with the most rocks at the end of the game wins.
Candy People
To play the game, have either the camp counselors or some of the older campers take part. Prior to playing, stick some candy onto the counselors' bodies, using tape. The rest of the campers then count to 100 as the counselors go hide in the woods. After the campers have reached 100, they shout out "Candy Time," allowing the counselors to know the players are coming for them. Once a player finds a "Candy Person," he steals as much candy as he can from the counselor's body. Continue the game until all of the candy on the counselors' bodies has vanished.