Things You'll Need
Get a sturdy cardboard box and fold in or cut off the top flaps so the top of the box is open. This box will be used as the base for the bean bag game. The box should be large enough so that the top that is added will have room for several holes. The children will toss the bean bags into the holes.
Prepare the top for the box using poster board. Use two layers of poster board and tape them together. Cut out large enough holes in the double-layered poster board so the bean bags will fit through the holes. Paint the top of the bean bag game with interesting designs such as animal faces making the holes the animals' mouths. Give each animal or other design a number or point value so you can keep score while playing.
Tape the top to the box base. Use heavy tape to secure the top to the base on all four sides.
Determine the distance to throw from. Keep score. Beanbags can be made of socks, stuffed with beans and tied or sewn. Be sure the bags are not bigger than the holes in the box and poster. The player with the highest score wins the game.