Produced by the British Broadcasting Company, the game Sheep encourages players to keep watch on the pen for rogue sheep.
The game features a group of sheep lazily grazing on the left side of the screen. Players hover over a picture of a tranquilizer dart. Five sheep will attempt to escape off of the right side of the screen, one at a time. Players have to tranquilize the rogue sheep before they escape.
However, don't press that button too often. If you shoot a tranquilizer dart when a sheep is not running, you are penalized by 3 seconds.
The game keeps track of the reaction time for each shot and provides an average reaction time for the player. Each player is given a ranking, ranging from "sluggish snail" to "turbo-charged cheetah." Play to improve your score or take turns to challenge your friends.
So Social
The website So Social provides a number of reflex games that test your finger-clicking and mouse-moving prowess.
The game on the site called "Colour" requires players to press start to begin. At any time after the player presses start, the playing screen will change from white to another color. Players must click "stop" as soon as the color changes, and the game tracks how long it takes you to react to the change.
Another game on the website, called "Phong," pits the player against a computer opponent in a small-scale version of ping-pong. Players score points by hitting the virtual ball past the computer's block. Players have to defend their own side from the computer's attacks.
So Social allows players to register and submit their scores to see how they measure up against other players in these games.
Reflex Game
The Reflex Game presents players with a blank playing screen that features an 8x10 field of white boxes. When players hit start, the timer begins to count down from 60 seconds. Randomly, some of the boxes will change from white to green. Players must click on as many green boxes as they can within the time limit. If you click on a box incorrectly, the box will turn red.
When time is up, the game calculates how many clicks you got right, how many were presented and how many wrong clicks you had.